Call For Papers

The International Conference on Information Technology and Digital Applications (ICITDA) is an international forum for the exchange of ideas, knowledge, and experience on the latest development in the field of information technology and digital applications among researchers from academia, engineers, and practitioners from industries. The conference is also expected to enable opportunities for collaboration among the participants to advance the theory and practice in the field of information technology.

The ICITDA 2018 is organized by University of the Cordilleras (Baguio, Philippines) and Universitas Islam Indonesia (Yogyakarta, Indonesia). ICITDA will be held in 8th of November 2018 at Metro Manila, Phillipines.

Papers on original works are solicited on a variety of topics including, but not limited to, the following tracks and topics:
A. Applications
.   1. Digital Forensics and Security
.   2. Educational Technology
.   3. Internet of Things
.   4. Medical Informatics
.   5. Multimedia
B. Hard Science and Engineering
.   1. Computer Networks and Wireless Communication
.   2. Computer Vision and Pattern Recognition
.   3. Intelligent System/Artificial Intelligence
C. Software Engineering
.   1. Data Mining and Analysis
.   2. Databases and Information Systems
.   3. Human Computer Interaction
.   4. Information Theory
.   5. Software Systems

All accepted papers of ICITDA 2018 will be published in the online proceeding. The online proceeding is a part of conference series of IOP Publication, which will be indexed by Scopus, EI-Compendex, and Inspec.

Please read the author instructions before submit a paper. Each paper should not be more than 6 pages.

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